Your gift-in-kind donations help Haven of Rest meet the needs of poor and homeless men, women and children. Donations should be taken to Haven of Rest’s donation drive-thru at the rear of our Client Services Center at 207 East Market St. in Akron. The donation drive-thru is completely covered from the elements. Drive-thru hours are Monday-Friday 8:00 a.m.– 5:30 p.m. and Saturday 9:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. The drive-thru is closed Sunday.
PLEASE NOTE: Check the attached Gift-In-Kind Donations or call the Donation Center before bringing it. Haven of Rest has limited storage, and there are some items we are unable to use. We take in-season clothing only.
For more information, please call or email Jonathan Iaconis, Clothing Coordinator at: 330-535-1563 or by email
Home improvement store gift cards: Lowes, Home Depot and any Garden Center
♥Thank you so much for your help with these needs♥
1). Women’s Day Room – Teach Bible Study 8:00-8:30am
2). Future Story – need 1 person to Teach basic sewing skills
NOTE: Clothing is distributed according to the current season. We do not mend, repair or launder donations. Please be sure your donation is clean and in season. Underwear must be new. There is a great need in all areas for larger sizes. Personal care and food items must be new and unopened.
***Please don’t overfill the bags. This poses significant safety hazards, including the risk of bags splitting open due to excess weight—if they are too full, they are too heavy to lift. This can result in you injuring yourself and others.