When Nicole arrived at Haven of Rest, she had her four children in tow and was pregnant with her fifth. She was escaping an abusive situation in New York and had just witnessed the murder of the father of two of her children. Nicole turned to drugs and alcohol to cope with the pain, and her life felt out of control.
After being evicted from her apartment, Nicole went from shelter to shelter and stayed at different churches. She didn’t know anyone in the area, and the only person she could turn to was her drug dealer.
The safety and refuge you offer…
Thankfully, it wasn’t long before God led Nicole to Haven of Rest, where she found something she hadn’t had in a long time—peace and security. “Haven of Rest is truly a haven of rest and refuge,” Nicole shares.
The Bible studies and devotions helped her reconnect with Christ. “The devotions are what really helped me get on the path that led to where I am today,” she notes. Through your support, Nicole learned to make decisions for herself, something she had never been allowed to do before.
“I needed to stand for something that was positive,” she says. She believes if she hadn’t come to Haven of Rest, she would still be using drugs, and her children would be in foster care.
Your generosity transforms lives and families
Today, Nicole is married, owns a business, and is active in her church’s outreach ministry. She is looking forward to the arrival of her first grandchild. “I think of where God has brought me from, and I keep going, even when things get hard,” she says.
Nicole wants to thank the people who support Haven of Rest: “Thank you for your generous heart—your giving is not in vain. It allows people to seek the Lord and let Him have an impact on their lives.”