Future Story

Future Story Shop

Haven of Rest Ministries owns and operates the Future Story Shop, located at Hartville MarketPlace in Hartville, Ohio. The shop has been in operation since February 2012.

The items sold at the Future Story Shop are sewn by current and former participants of the Sew Powerful and Future Story Totes sewing classes, along with dedicated volunteers. These classes are held at Harvest Home on Wednesdays and Thursdays from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. Class participants include women currently residing at Harvest Home, former Harvest Home guests, and women from the local community.

The shop offers a wide variety of unique, handmade items, including aprons for adults and children, walker and wheelchair tote bags, zippered purses, makeup bags, clothing protectors, and table runners.

Participants who sell items in the Future Story Shop receive 50% of the proceeds from the sale of their items, while the remaining funds are used to support the Future Story Enrichment Program.

Interested in Sewing Classes?

Whether you want to learn sewing skills or facilitate classes, we’d love to have you join us. If you’d like more information about the sewing classes, please contact:

Luann Winters – lwinters@havenofrest.org 330-434-1149

Kathleen Turner – kturner@havenofrest.org 330-434-1149

You can visit the Future Story Shop at:

1289 Edison St. N.W.

Hartville, Ohio 44632

Booth #262 & #271


Open Monday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday 9 a.m. – 5 p.m.

Your Gift of $115 helps 60 people
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